朝日 10月12日 「内部被曝2割過小評価か 事故直後の作業員 国連委指摘」
毎日 10月12日 「福島原発事故:作業員の内部被ばく過小評価か…国連委指摘」
中国国連代表のZhao Xinli氏のステートメント
The regrettable and harrowing Fukushima nuclear incident should prompt us to engage in serious reflections and careful investigation and research with a view to finding more effective, preventive measures, still comprehensive, in-depth, and systemic consideration to prevent occurrence of similar accident.
To date, secondary incidents still occur, now and again, at the site of Fukushima nuclear incident, causing widespread worries around the world, especially among the people of neighboring countries. The country concerned should genuinely fulfill its responsibility and adopt timely and effective measures to deal with the aftermath of the incident and ensure the transparency and credibility of relevant information so that international community, particularly the people of various countries concerned, are reassured.
In the face of challenges posed by atomic radiation, the United Nations should play a role in ensuring atomic radiation safety. I suggest we go about that work in the following four areas:
First, properly handle the aftermath of the major nuclear incidence and review the lessons learned. In light of the harmful effect of major nuclear incidence on human physiology and psychology alike, the efforts of the international community should be integrated to assess the harm done and sum up the lessons to be learned for future prevention. The country concerned should deem human safety the number one issue, take an open and transparent approach in working with relevant UN agencies and countries that are able and willing to help so that concerted efforts can be made to handle the aftermath of the incident and minimize various harmful effects.
Mr. Chairman, due to the nature of this very technical topic, I would like to make it clear that my statement today is based on instruction directly from our capital. As the outset, I would like to express my appreciation to you for your excellency's effective chairmanship in the Fourth Committee during the 68th session of United Nations General Assembly.
Since its establishment by General Assembly in 1955, the United Nations Scientific Committee for Effects of Atomic Radiation, or UNSCEAR in short, served the vital function of providing authoritative scientific review of sources and effect of ionizing radiation. The work of the committee has provided the world with scientific data for evaluating radiation risk and establishing radiation protection and safety standards.
As a country fully committed to the safety of nuclear technology, Japan has benefited from the work of the committee. Through the personal and tragic experience of the nuclear accident caused by the massive earthquake and the tsunami in 2011, Japan further enhances its strong commitment to nuclear safety, and recognizes, all the more, the critical role played by UNSCEAR in this field.
Mr. Chairman, the importance of ensuring the safety and security of human beings and the environment in the use of radiation and atomic energy cannot be overstated. It is as indispensable to promote in public health as in use of radiation for medical purposes. UNSCEAR is the only organization that has been carrying out the scientific assessment for more than two years regarding the levels of exposure and radiation risks attributable to the nuclear accident following the Great East earthquake and tsunami in 2011. The results of assessment will definitely be useful for us to take appropriate measures to continue ensuring the safety of human beings and in the environment. In this regard, we appreciate the commitment and active work of the scientific committee.
Mr. Chairman, allow me to mention that the Government of Japan has been attaching the utmost importance to grasping the amount of exposure of workers at Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station and the residents in the region since the tragic accident.
To our chagrin, some articles were published based on misperceptions of the evaluation of the internal exposure on workers at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station in Japan right after UNSCEAR submitted its report to this committee this month. Some Japanese media misunderstood and incorrectly wrote that UNSCEAR has come to a conclusion that the Government of Japan underestimated the amount of internal exposure of workers at the plant. We are aware that UNSCEAR understands there are factors of underestimation as well as overestimation in exposure estimation. But only underestimation of internal exposure is written in the report of UNSCEAR, which would possibly lead the public to misinterpret the message of the report. In this regard, Japan would like to kindly request UNSCEAR to give balance to the overall evaluation of internal exposure in the incoming assessment report. The Government of Japan is ready to submit the necessary evidence and data to UNSCEAR and would be most grateful if the committee would take them into consideration.
Mr. Chairman, as previously mentioned, I cannot exaggerate the importance of the role of the scientific committee. To conclude, I would like to reaffirm Japan's continued commitment and the support for the important work of UNSCEAR. I thank you, Mr. Chairman.
和訳:Yuri Hiranuma
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